Fourvière in solidarity: a basilica for all
Welcome, sharing, solidarity: three values that drive the Notre-Dame de Fourvière site. The Fourvière Foundation has always taken a particular interest in welcoming disadvantaged members of the public, who are sometimes isolated from the cultural milieu. A solidarity unit, made up of volunteers and salaried staff, contacts the associations concerned to offer them cultural activities and highlights on the Notre-Dame de Fourvière site.
For associations : At the Notre-Dame de Fourvière Shrine, you’re at home.
We are at your disposal to build a partnership
to build a partnership that meets your needs
your needs and desires, in a spirit of mutual discovery
discovery: creating events for your audiences, personalized guided tours, volunteering, meetings.
What we’d like to do with your help:
-Make the Notre-Dame de Fourvière
to as many people as possible.
-Reach out to people with disabilities to help them discover Fourvière.
-Promote social and professional integration
and professional integration
Some partnerships already in place:
-Habitat et Humanisme’s « escale solidaire
-The sale of homemade chocolates in the stores with ESAT Elise Rivet
-World Day of the Poor with the diocese
-Hosting the Colombe de la Paix (Dove of Peace) with the Adopte une asso association during the Fête des Lumières (Festival of Lights).
-Solicitation of integration companies for the various works on the site.
Your Contact :
Antoine requin, solidarity department manager
Telephone : 06 85 63 04 87
Mail :