
The actors of the Sanctuary

The Commission of Fourvière

Founded in the mid-nineteenth century by Archbishop Monseigneur de Bonald, it originally had a handful of notables in charge of the arrangements around the Chapel of the Virgin. A few years later, the commission buys the land and buildings surrounding the sanctuary and which today constitutes the Fourvière estate. Following the wish of the Lyonnais of 1870, the Commission undertakes the construction of the basilica. Today, made up of several dozen members, it watches over and contributes to the influence of the site.

The Fourvière Foundation

The Fourvière Foundation was created in 1998 by the Commission. The Fourviere Foundation is recognised of public utility, it owns the heritage of the sanctuary of Fourvière, for which it is responsible. A major player on the site, it manages, maintains and enhances the tourism and cultural activities at the Fourvière site. She works closely with the rector and his team, the Diocese, the City of Lyon and the Region.

Chaired since 2022 by Mr. Philippe Castaing, the Foundation has 20 employees and more than 370 volunteers who invest daily in the service of the Fourvière site.