Why support the Fourvière Foundation

→ Fourvière a private site

The site of the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière belongs neither to the Church nor to the State, but to a private foundation: the Fondation Fourvière, recognized as a public utility. Maintaining the basilica and welcoming the millions of visitors to the site free of charge represents a major expense. All this is made possible thanks to the many donors and sponsors. The Fondation Fourvière needs your support to continue its daily mission of welcoming visitors and preserving our heritage.

→ Fourvière & the Lyonnais

Fourvière has a special bond with the people of Lyon. In 1872, it was thanks to the support of Lyon families that the basilica was built. Today, this shared heritage is a powerful symbol of the city of Lyon.
The Fourvière Foundation calls on the people of Lyon to perpetuate their donations or legacies in the tradition of the founding families.

→ Fourvière & the works

Since September 8, 2016, a major tourism, cultural, social and spiritual project has been launched by the Fourvière Foundation. Dubbed a “Nouvel Élan pour Fourvière” (New Impetus for Fourvière), the project will upgrade the entire site and rethink the welcome for thousands of visitors. Estimated to cost in excess of 20 million euros, the Nouvel Elan pour Fourvière requires strong support from public and private institutions, as well as individuals.

How to support the Fourvière Foundation

Bequests are made by will to your notary. It only takes effect after your death: even if you have drawn up a will, you remain the owner of your assets, managing and disposing of them as you see fit, and you can change your will at any time.

What can you bequeath?

You can bequeath all kinds of property to the Fondation Fouvière: money, bank accounts, securities accounts, apartments, land, furniture, jewelry, works of art, cars… The needs are such that all bequests, whatever their value, however modest, are important for the preservation of the site, the basilica and the mission of welcoming visitors.
Bequests can be individual, universal or in bare ownership.

Contact Us

For further information:

  • by téléphone : 04 78 25 13 01
  • bymail à administratif@fourviere.org

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